Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Eye Candy

Allow me to share a little ray of sunshine with you, while we continue to get snowed in. (Thank goodness evening classes were canceled! I think my street was plowed once, maybe twice today!)

{J.Crew Spring 2011}
This outfit just makes me smile.  I think it's just how the two items were paired together-- love the combination of the lemon yellow shorts and the studded sweater; perfect for that transition time of early spring.

Only the whopping $700+ price tag for both items makes me cringe. The 'Crew and I have a love-hate relationship.  I love it. My wallet hates it.

Inaugural Post

Hi girls!

Welcome to my new spot dedicated to all things superficial-- fashion, beauty, tips and tricks. I'm excited to share my current lusts with you and hear what you're obsessions are, too!

Please sign up and become a Follower so you don't miss out on anything!

General Disclaimer: Of course the most important things in life are those that you cannot put a price tag on or consume. This is just a place to gush about those that you can. And, really? Some days you just need to come home and see a gift from the UPS Man on your front doorstep to put a smile on your face.